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Kick-off for accelerating sustainability

Our inno­va­ti­on clus­ter joins forces with the Ger­man Aero­space Cen­ter (DLR) for the “Emis­­si­on-free Port” pro­ject. This pro­ject, which was kicked off with a joint tour of the Port of Ham­burg yes­ter­day, aims to res­ha­pe the land­scape of port sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Our goal is to…

Hydrogen filling station in the Port of Hamburg

Ham­bur­ger Hafen und Logis­tik AG (HHLA) has com­mis­sio­ned Lin­de Engi­nee­ring to build a hydro­gen fil­ling sta­ti­on within the scope of its Clean Port & Logi­stics inno­va­ti­on clus­ter. The fil­ling sta­ti­on will be part of the test cent­re for hydro­­­gen-powered port…

Global interest in H2 cluster

With Clean Port & Logi­stics (CPL), Ham­bur­ger Hafen und Logis­tik AG (HHLA) has crea­ted an inno­va­ti­on clus­ter to test hydro­­­gen-powered equip­ment in port logi­stics. On Fri­day, 28 Octo­ber 2022, part­ner com­pa­nies from all over the world atten­ded the vir­tu­al kick-off…

Hydrogen to power heavy port technology

Tog­e­ther with part­ners, Ham­bur­ger Hafen und Logis­tik AG (HHLA) wants to dri­ve for-ward the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of hand­ling and trans­port pro­ces­ses. Clean Port & Logi­stics (CPL), an inno­va­ti­on clus­ter to test hydro­­­gen-powered port logi­stics equip­ment, aims to sup­port this. With Clean Port…