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International network to drive an emission-free transition

The Clean Port & Logi­stics Clus­ter brings tog­e­ther equip­ment manu­fac­tu­r­ers and port and logi­stics com­pa­nies with sci­en­ti­fic part­ners, pro­du­cers of rene­wa­ble hydro­gen, soft­ware com­pa­nies and ope­ra­tors or manu­fac­tu­r­ers of refuel­ling sta­ti­ons. Inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on, rese­arch and prac­ti­cal tests are car­ri­ed out on how alter­na­ti­ve power­trains e.g. hydro­gen can be relia­bly used to sup­p­ly port tech­no­lo­gy and logistics.

Our partners

In order to gain as much know-how as pos­si­ble from our hydro­gen clus­ter, inno­va­ti­ve com­pa­nies from dif­fe­rent indus­tri­al sec­tors sup­port us.


ADNOC is a lea­ding diver­si­fied ener­gy group taking trans­for­ma­ti­ve steps to make today’s ener­gy clea­ner while inves­t­ing in the clean ener­gies of tomor­row. Our net­work of ful­ly-inte­gra­ted busi­nesses ope­ra­tes across the ener­gy value chain, hel­ping us to respon­si­bly meet the demands of an ever-chan­ging ener­gy mar­ket. ADNOC is an inte­gra­ted ener­gy com­pa­ny whol­ly owned by the Govern­ment of the Emi­ra­te of Abu Dhabi.

ADNOC is pio­nee­ring the deve­lo­p­ment of the hydro­gen eco­no­my by inves­t­ing in its pro­duc­tion across the spec­trum and part­ne­ring with govern­ments, tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­ders and cus­to­mers to estab­lish a glo­bal hydro­gen value chain and dri­ve sup­p­ly and demand. Tog­e­ther with part­ners across the value chain, we are advan­cing prac­ti­cal, sus­tainable and inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons to acce­le­ra­te the ener­gy transition.

Air Liquide

Air Liqui­de is a world lea­der in gases, tech­no­lo­gies and ser­vices for indus­try and health­ca­re. Head­quar­te­red in Paris, France, the Group sup­pli­es more than 100,000 cus­to­mers and 200,000 pati­ents in Ger­ma­ny, inclu­ding inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies in the steel­ma­king, che­mi­cal, auto­mo­ti­ve, food, rese­arch, phar­maceu­ti­cal and semi­con­duc­tor indus­tries, as well as small and medi­um-sized com­pa­nies and craft businesses.

Air Liqui­de has exten­si­ve and long-stan­ding exper­ti­se in the field of hydro­gen: Air Liqui­de mas­ters the enti­re hydro­gen value chain from pro­duc­tion, sto­rage and dis­tri­bu­ti­on to the deve­lo­p­ment of appli­ca­ti­ons for indus­tri­al end users, thus con­tri­bu­ting to the com­pre­hen­si­ve use of hydro­gen as a clean che­mi­cal feedstock and ener­gy car­ri­er. With over 50 years of expe­ri­ence, Air Liqui­de is a world lea­der in the hand­ling of liquid hydrogen.

Air Liqui­de is a pio­neer in hydro­gen refue­ling solu­ti­ons for all modes of trans­por­ta­ti­on. In Ger­ma­ny, as a foun­ding part­ner of the H2 MOBILITY joint ven­ture, Air Liqui­de is play­ing a lea­ding role in the deve­lo­p­ment of a nati­on­wi­de public hydro­gen fil­ling sta­ti­on net­work and is also acti­ve in num­e­rous stan­dar­diza­ti­on com­mit­tees in the field of hydro­gen and fuel cell tech­no­lo­gy. In addi­ti­on to the alre­a­dy estab­lished GtG fil­ling sta­ti­ons, which can be instal­led from 2024 with a capa­ci­ty of up to 4 tpd, Air Liqui­de is curr­ent­ly working on solu­ti­ons for lar­ge fil­ling sta­ti­ons (up to 2 tpd) that pro­cess liquid hydrogen.

Air Liqui­de is buil­ding the 20-mega­watt (MW) Trail­bla­zer elec­tro­ly­zer for the pro­duc­tion of rene­wa­ble hydro­gen at the Ober­hau­sen site. The Trail­bla­zer will be con­nec­ted to Air Liquide’s exis­ting hydro­gen pipe­line to sup­p­ly rene­wa­ble hydro­gen to key indus­tries and zero-emis­si­on mobi­li­ty on the Rhi­ne and Ruhr.

Air Products GmbH 

Air Pro­ducts (NYSE:APD) is a lea­ding glo­bal indus­tri­al gases com­pa­ny that has been in busi­ness for near­ly 80 years. The com­pa­ny sup­pli­es cus­to­mers from a wide ran­ge of indus­tri­al sec­tors with tech­ni­cal gases – from indi­vi­du­al gas cylin­ders and tanks to plants for on-site gas gene­ra­ti­on. The head office of the Ger­man Air Pro­ducts GmbH is loca­ted in Hat­tin­gen an der Ruhr, NRW.
Sup­port­ing the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on with hydro­gen is the clear objec­ti­ve of Air Pro­ducts. As the world’s lar­gest hydro­gen sup­pli­er, we aim to help sup­port the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on with hydro­gen, mini­mi­se car­bon emis­si­ons and redu­ce depen­dence on fini­te ener­gy resour­ces by pro­du­cing and dis­tri­bu­ting clean hydro­gen ener­gy solu­ti­ons for use in hea­vy-duty vehic­les, fuel cell buses, trains, indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons and ener­gy storage.

Air Pro­ducts is a fix­tu­re in the north, as we have been sup­p­ly­ing hydro­gen to cus­to­mers in the nor­t­hern Ger­man regi­on from Sta­de for many years. To make the visi­on of hydro­gen-based mobi­li­ty a rea­li­ty, Air Pro­ducts works clo­se­ly with Euro­pean and local decis­i­on-makers and part­ners. We sup­port com­pa­nies in the simp­le and safe con­ver­si­on to hydro­gen, espe­ci­al­ly in the field of mobility.

Airbus Protect GmbH 

Air­bus Pro­tect is a sub­si­dia­ry of Air­bus that pools exper­ti­se in the are­as of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, safe­ty and sus­taina­bi­li­ty. As a risk manage­ment com­pa­ny, Air­bus Pro­tect offers com­pre­hen­si­ve con­sul­ting ser­vices, trai­ning and soft­ware solu­ti­ons. Air­bus Pro­tect is alre­a­dy a trus­ted part­ner of cus­to­mers not only in aero­space and high-tech manu­fac­tu­ring, but also in indus­tries such as mobi­li­ty, ener­gy and uti­li­ties, finan­cial ser­vices, cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­re, public ser­vices and defen­se. Air­bus Pro­tect brings tog­e­ther more than 1,600 employees in Ger­ma­ny, France, Eng­land, Spain and Bel­gi­um, who­se goal is to go bey­ond com­pli­ance with cus­to­mers and crea­te a trus­ted path to the future together.

Air­bus Pro­tect sup­ports com­pa­nies in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of hydro­gen pro­jects by hel­ping them to mana­ge and redu­ce the asso­cia­ted risks and thus impro­ve sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Air­bus Protect’s exper­ti­se in hydro­gen covers the enti­re value chain – from pro­duc­tion and trans­por­ta­ti­on to sto­rage and inte­gra­ted applications.

Through its invol­vement in groups such as the Clean Port & Logi­stics Clus­ter, Air­bus Pro­tect aims to help steer the indus­try-wide dis­cus­sion on hydro­gen safety.

ArianeGroup GmbH

Aria­ne­Group is lead con­trac­tor for civil and defen­se space laun­cher sys­tems, respon­si­ble for the design and the enti­re pro­duc­tion pro­cess of Europe’s Aria­ne 6. Inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed for its inno­va­ti­ve, com­pe­ti­ti­ve solu­ti­ons, Aria­ne­Group has exper­ti­se in all aspects of sta­te-of-the-art space pro­pul­si­on tech­no­lo­gies. Aria­ne­Group and its sub­si­dia­ries also offer their spe­cia­list skills in space equip­ment, ser­vices, space sur­veil­lan­ce, and cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­re to bene­fit other indus­tri­al sec­tors. Aria­ne­Group ope­ra­tes two sites in nor­t­hern Ger­ma­ny (Bre­men and Faß­berg), two in sou­thern Ger­ma­ny and seve­ral sites in France.

Our com­pa­ny has more than 40 years of expe­ri­ence in liquid hydro­gen. Aria­ne­Group is pre­sent in hea­vy mobi­li­ty sec­tors such as aero­nau­tics (among other par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the ZEROe pro­gram), auto­mo­ti­ve and mari­ti­me sec­tors. Aria­ne­Group is inno­vat­ing and pro­vi­ding access to space tech­no­lo­gy for your hydro­gen mobi­li­ty pro­jects. We mana­ge hydro­gen dis­tri­bu­ti­on, sto­rage and safe­ty. We design deve­lop and test your cryo­ge­nic solu­ti­ons and infrastructure.

It would be the occa­si­on for Aria­ne­Group to be part of the future of mari­ti­me logi­stics and meet 40 actors enga­ged in the decarbonization.

BEHALA – Berliner Hafen- und Lagerhausgesellschaft

BEHALA is the ope­ra­tor of Berlin’s tri­mo­dal goods trans­port cen­tres with a city cent­re loca­ti­on – WE ARE HAFEN! We ensu­re that the flow of trade rea­ches every citi­zen of Ber­lin and at the same time we are a part­ner for indus­try when it comes to trans­port solu­ti­ons all over the world.
At the moment we are only using hydro­gen in our pilot pro­ject ELEKTRA. BEHALA takes part in the clus­ter to deter­mi­ne if hea­vy hand­ling equip­ment is ope­ra­ble with alter­na­ti­ve dri­ves and, if so, in what time hori­zon can it be acqui­red at a com­pe­ti­ti­ve price.

BTE Inc.

BTE spe­cia­li­ses in the manu­fac­tu­re and deve­lo­p­ment of hydro­gen fil­ling sta­ti­ons and appli­es hydro­gen fuel cells in small-sca­le mobi­li­ty. The com­pa­ny is based in Korea and manu­fac­tures hydro­gen fuel sta­ti­ons with 350 bar and 700 bar. To revi­ta­li­se the hydro­gen eco­no­my, hydro­gen fuel cells are com­bi­ned with UGVs

BTE uses hydro­gen in the fol­lo­wing ways:
Fuel­ling hydro­gen for 350~400Bar mobi­li­ty (for­k­lift, trac­tor etc.)
Fuel­ling hydro­gen for 700Bar mobi­li­ty (truck etc.)
Refuel­ling hydro­gen into cylin­ders (dro­ne, UGV etc.)

We joi­n­ed the clus­ter to test the per­for­mance of our pro­ducts and to use dif­fe­rent pro­duct lines such as the hydro­gen-powered fuel cell vehic­le Pat­rol UGV in test fields with dif­fe­rent infra­struc­tu­re con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons using hydro­gen. We are also thin­king of ente­ring the Euro­pean hydro­gen mar­ket with this membership.


CMB (Com­pa­gnie Mari­ti­me Bel­ge) is a diver­si­fied ship­ping and logi­stics group based in Ant­werp, Bel­gi­um. CMB owns and ope­ra­tes 150 seago­ing ves­sels in dry bulk (Boci­mar), con­tai­ner trans­port (Del­phis), che­mi­cal tan­kers (Bochem) & crew trans­fer ves­sels (Wind­cat). CMB is also acti­ve in cle­an­tech (CMB.TECH) and real estate (MCA Faci­li­ties, Mari­ti­me Cam­pus Ant­werp). CMB has offices in Tokyo, Sin­ga­po­re, Hong Kong, Ger­ma­ny (Ham­burg), UK (Lowest­oft and Brent­wood) and The Net­her­lands (Ams­ter­dam).
CMB.TECH is a cle­an­tech com­pa­ny that builds, owns, ope­ra­tes & designs lar­ge mari­ne and indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons that run on hydro­gen and ammo­nia. CMB.TECH also offers hydro­gen and ammo­nia fuel to its cus­to­mers, eit­her through own pro­duc­tion or by sourcing it from third par­ty producers.

We are alre­a­dy using hydro­gen in our mari­ne and indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons within the con­cept of dual-fuel ope­ra­ti­ons. Our pro­jects are spread around the glo­be which makes us look for hydro­gen sup­p­ly glo­bal­ly.
We belie­ve the clus­ter offers a gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty to test and pre­sent indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons run­ning on hydro­gen and at the same time exten­ding our net­work of part­ners and poten­ti­al cus­to­mers. Fur­ther to that, we need more real-life pro­jects being laun­ched to final­ly kick off the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on and bring hydro­gen to the indus­try. The clus­ter and its mem­bers would form an important part to reach this goal in Ger­ma­ny but also in Europe.

CMR Container Maintenance Repair Hamburg GmbH

CMR Con­tai­ner Main­ten­an­ce Repair Ham­burg GmbH is a sub­si­dia­ry of Hapag Lloyd AG based in Ham­burg. The com­pa­ny is an emp­ty con­tai­ner depot for ship­ping com­pa­nies and con­tai­ner lea­sing com­pa­nies and ser­ves the sto­rage, repair, hand­ling of sea con­tai­ners as well as the purcha­se and sale of sea con­tai­ners.

Hydro­gen is to be used when manu­fac­tu­r­ers offer hydro­gen-powered lar­ge-sca­le appli­ances.
The moti­va­ti­on is to use first-hand results of the clus­ter to make the best pos­si­ble decis­i­on regar­ding the pro­cu­re­ment of future lar­ge-sca­le equip­ment for our com­pa­ny as well as to obtain infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding the refuel­ling of the equip­ment with hydro­gen. Fur­ther­mo­re, we are inte­res­ted in the exch­an­ge with other members.

Contargo GmbH & Co. KG

Con­tar­go is an inter­na­tio­nal­ly acti­ve logi­stics ser­vice pro­vi­der that car­ri­es out trans­ports bet­ween the sea­ports and the Euro­pean hin­ter­land in tri­mo­dal traf­fic with all the asso­cia­ted addi­tio­nal ser­vices (e.g. emp­ty con­tai­ner depots and repair). Con­tar­go trans­ports around 2.1 mil­li­on TEU per year in its net­work.
Con­tar­go is inves­ti­ga­ting its use in inland water­way ves­sels and ter­mi­nal vehic­les, and within various sis­ter com­pa­nies also for trucks and rail vehic­les. In addi­ti­on, Con­tar­go is inte­res­ted in the topic of hydro­gen in con­tai­ners (hand­ling, sto­rage, transport).

The moti­va­ti­on to take part in the clus­ter is to gain more robust expe­ri­ence on the topics men­tio­ned befo­re and an exch­an­ge on deal­ing with (exis­ting) regulation/ safe­ty considerations.

CuxPort GmbH

Cux­port GmbH’s deep-water ter­mi­nals are stra­te­gi­cal­ly ide­al­ly loca­ted for inter­na­tio­nal trans­port rou­tes: direct­ly at the mouth of the Elbe, clo­se to the Kiel Canal and a short distance from the mouth of the Weser. The mul­ti-pur­po­se ter­mi­nal, which also regu­lar­ly hand­les deep-sea ves­sels, also offers lo-lo ser­vices for con­tai­ners, forest pro­ducts and pro­ject car­goes, as well as sto­rage and logi­stics solutions.

As of today, the use of hydro­gen does not yet play a role. In the future, we hope that the clus­ter will be able to come up with ide­as and solu­ti­ons for ope­ra­ting the indus­tri­al trucks, pri­ma­ri­ly the ter­mi­nal trac­tors, with hydro­gen. The aim of par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the clus­ter is to con­tri­bu­te to achie­ving our envi­ron­men­tal goals, such as the careful use of resour­ces to mini­mi­se resi­dues, was­te, pol­lu­ting emis­si­ons and was­te water.

CTD Container-Transport-Dienst GmbH

The CTD Con­tai­ner-Trans­port-Dienst GmbH has spe­cia­li­sed in con­tai­ner truck­ing in one of the lar­gest con­tai­ner hubs in the world. With tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tions, CTD suc­ceeds in opti­mi­sing logi­sti­cal pro­ces­ses and acce­le­ra­ting trans­ports. In addi­ti­on, con­tai­ners are dis­patched throug­hout Ger­ma­ny and also throug­hout Euro­pe. Most of the­se are pure truck trans­ports, but par­ti­al rou­tes are cover­ed by inland water­way ves­sel or train. As a part­ner in com­bi­ned trans­port, CTD also spe­cia­li­ses in first and last mile logi­stics in the hin­ter­land. Bran­ches in various Ger­man eco­no­mic cen­tres ensu­re that cus­to­mers are opti­mal­ly ser­ved locally.

Curr­ent­ly, the­re is no use of hydro­gen, but the CTD would like to use hydro­gen as an alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal fuels in the com­mer­cial vehic­les used in the future. Deal­ing with the future use of alter­na­ti­ve dri­ve con­cepts is cer­tain­ly one of the chal­lenges of the time. At the same time, par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the clus­ter can pro­vi­de an ans­wer to the need for cli­ma­te-neu­tral trans­port ser­vices in the future. CTD has always been pre­pared to break new ground in the past and is plea­sed to have this oppor­tu­ni­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the cluster.

Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene – Straße (DUSS) mbH

Deut­sche Umschlag­ge­sell­schaft Schie­ne-Stra­ße is an infra­struc­tu­re com­pa­ny with 24 ter­mi­nals in Ger­ma­ny and we ope­ra­ted tran­ship­ment sta­ti­ons. Our know-how has not only been incor­po­ra­ted into exis­ting tran­ship­ment faci­li­ties, but also into new ter­mi­nals and various rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects.

We hope to use hydro­gen for our ter­mi­nal hand­ling vehic­les (for­k­lifts and trac­tors). Sus­taina­bi­li­ty-con­scious and fos­sil-free future, swap die­sel for hydro­gen are the reasons for us to take part in the cluster.


The Euro­pean Insti­tu­te for Ener­gy Rese­arch – EIFER – was foun­ded in 2002 by EDF and the Karls­ru­he Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy, with the legal struc­tu­re of a Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Inte­rest Grou­ping. Loca­ted in Karls­ru­he, Ger­ma­ny, it is now reco­g­nis­ed as an inde­pen­dent French-Ger­man rese­arch insti­tu­te com­mit­ted to its mem­bers and part­ners. With its appli­ed rese­arch ori­en­ta­ti­on, EIFER has been bridging the gap bet­ween sci­ence and indus­try for more than 20 years. In the con­text of the Euro­pean ener­gy tran­si­ti­on, EIFER pro­vi­des rese­arch-based inno­va­ti­ve ener­gy solu­ti­ons for the sus­tainable growth of cities, local com­mu­ni­ties and industries.

We envi­si­on future-pro­of, low-car­bon ener­gy sys­tems ali­gned with socie­tal needs. We’re sup­port­ing the tran­si­ti­on towards resi­li­ent and sus­tainable ener­gy sys­tems that can ensu­re car­bon neu­tra­li­ty by deli­ve­ring inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry sci­en­ti­fic ana­ly­ses and offe­ring inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with our mem­bers EDF and KIT.

Low Car­bon Hydro­gen Sys­tems are one of the four rese­arch fields of the Insti­tu­te, and we inves­ti­ga­te in par­ti­cu­lar the appli­ca­ti­on of Hydro­gen in various forms of mobi­li­ty. As the coor­di­na­tor of the H2SHIPS pro­ject (2019–2023), we have for ins­tance pro­mo­ted the use of Hydro­gen for ship­ping and dived into the chal­lenges of decar­bo­ni­s­ing the acti­vi­ties of ports. With our par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the clus­ter, we aim at stay­ing up-to-date on the deve­lo­p­ment of H2-fue­led mobi­le machinery.


EUROGATE is Europe’s lea­ding ship­ping line-inde­pen­dent con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal ope­ra­tor. The hand­ling of con­tai­ners at sea­ports is our core busi­ness. In addi­ti­on to con­tai­ner hand­ling, we offer a full ran­ge of “box”-related ope­ra­ti­ons, from sea­wor­t­hy pack­a­ging, to con­tai­ner depot ser­vices, con­tai­ner ser­vicing and con­tai­ner repair. Our inter­mo­dal trans­port net­work links our sea ter­mi­nals in nor­t­hern and sou­thern Euro­pe with the major Euro­pean eco­no­mic areas.

We are not yet using hydro­gen. We are plan­ning to use hydro­gen in com­bi­ned heat and power plants within our faci­li­ties. Depen­ding on the future deve­lo­p­ment of the Con­tai­ner Hand­ling Equip­ment and the avai­la­bi­li­ty of green hydro­gen, hydro­gen could be an opti­on for future use in our con­tai­ner ter­mi­nals.
All play­ers in the indus­try face the same ques­ti­ons and we belie­ve the­re will be solu­ti­ons and it is easier, fas­ter and che­a­per to col­la­bo­ra­te to find tho­se solu­ti­ons. We need to learn more about alter­na­ti­ve fuels / e‑mobility and their appli­ca­ti­on in “hea­vy” Con­tai­ner Hand­ling Equipment.

Everfuel A/S

Ever­fuel makes green hydro­gen com­mer­ci­al­ly available for zero-emis­si­on mobi­li­ty and indus­try across Euro­pe and offers com­pe­ti­ti­ve turn­key solu­ti­ons for hydro­gen sup­p­ly and refuel­ling infra­struc­tu­re. We own and ope­ra­te green hydro­gen infra­struc­tu­re inclu­ding pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties, H2 trai­lers for dis­tri­bu­ti­on and H2 refuel­ling sta­ti­ons. We are a young, ambi­tious com­pa­ny head­quar­te­red in Her­ning, Den­mark, ope­ra­ting in Nor­way, Den­mark, Swe­den, the Net­her­lands, Ger­ma­ny and Bel­gi­um, with plans to grow across Europe.

Ever­fuel is a green hydro­gen com­pa­ny that pro­du­ces, dis­tri­bu­tes and sells hydro­gen to end users in the mobi­li­ty and indus­tri­al sec­tors. Our cus­to­mers include public trans­port com­pa­nies, taxi com­pa­nies and the Danish refi­nery in Fre­de­ri­cia.
The CPL clus­ter gives us the uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty to work very clo­se­ly tog­e­ther with our part­ners of tomor­row on the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of logi­stics pro­ces­ses using hydro­gen. As a pro­vi­der of green hydro­gen and the asso­cia­ted infra­struc­tu­re, we expect the clus­ter to pro­vi­de us with first-hand expe­ri­ence, chal­lenges and also expec­ta­ti­ons for the vehic­les to be tes­ted, so that we can adapt our solu­ti­ons even bet­ter to the needs of our cus­to­mers. Our goal for the mem­ber­ship is to make it easier for inte­res­ted com­pa­nies to switch to an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly alter­na­ti­ve through sound insights from the field.

Fraunhofer CML

The Fraun­ho­fer Cen­ter for Mari­ti­me Logi­stics and Ser­vices CML, based in Ham­burg, deve­lo­ps and opti­mi­ses pro­ces­ses and sys­tems along the mari­ti­me sup­p­ly chain. In prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted rese­arch pro­jects, we sup­port pri­va­te and public cli­ents from the port, logi­stics and ship­ping sec­tors in initia­ting and rea­li­sing inno­va­tions. Fraun­ho­fer CML is based in Hamburg.

Hydro­gen is a cen­tral part of appli­ed rese­arch for the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of ports and ter­mi­nals. The Fraun­ho­fer CML appli­es hydro­gen-rela­ted know­ledge to prac­ti­cal issues in the eco­no­my, espe­ci­al­ly in ports and ter­mi­nals. For exam­p­le, we simu­la­te hydro­gen sup­p­ly chains to draw con­clu­si­ons for invest­ments in sto­rage, trans­port con­tai­ners or hand­ling equip­ment.
Decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of ports and ter­mi­nals is an important step towards a green future. Fraun­ho­fer CML wants to sup­port the part­ners in the deve­lo­p­ment of mar­ket-rea­dy, green solu­ti­ons for ports and ter­mi­nals with its tools and know­ledge so that the tran­si­ti­on can hap­pen quickly.

Fundación Valenciaport

Fund­ación Valen­cia­port is an  Appli­ed  Rese­arch,  Inno­va­ti­on & Trai­ning cent­re pro­vi­ding ser­vices to the port and logi­stics clus­ter. This initia­ti­ve of the Port Aut­ho­ri­ty of Valen­cia has enjoy­ed the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of nota­ble busi­nesses, uni­ver­si­ties and insti­tu­ti­ons from the port com­mu­ni­ty.  Fund­aci­on Valen­cia­port is loca­ted in Valen­cia (Spain).  

Fund­aci­on Valen­cia­port coor­di­na­tes H2PORTS pro­ject. This pro­ject uses hydro­gen for hea­vy-duty vehic­les for con­tai­ner hand­ling port ope­ra­ti­ons.  The Fund­aci­on Valen­cia­port is keen to share fin­dings and results from the H2PORTS pro­ject with the port com­mu­ni­ty and explo­re fur­ther oppor­tu­ni­ties for the inte­gra­ti­on of hydro­gen tech­no­lo­gies in the port and mari­ti­me trans­port sector.

Gasnetz Hamburg

As a muni­ci­pal com­pa­ny, Gas­netz Ham­burg ope­ra­tes the natu­ral gas net­work in Ham­burg with around 600 employees. At the same time, the com­pa­ny is buil­ding the Ham­burg Hydro­gen Indus­tri­al Net­work in the south of Ham­burg, initi­al­ly with around 40 and later 60 kilo­me­t­res of pipe­line. The net­work will reach the ener­gy-inten­si­ve indus­tri­al com­pa­nies in the Han­sea­tic city from 2026 and at the same time offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for decar­bo­ni­s­ing port logi­stics. Con­nec­tions to import ter­mi­nals and the Euro­pean long-distance hydro­gen net­work are plan­ned for HH-WIN.

As a dis­tri­bu­ti­on net­work ope­ra­tor, Gas­netz Ham­burg will make green hydro­gen available to Hamburg’s indus­try and port sec­tor via HH-WIN. The Free and Han­sea­tic City of Ham­burg has ambi­tious cli­ma­te tar­gets. HH-WIN will alre­a­dy enable com­pre­hen­si­ve decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on by 2031. This will save around 1.3 mil­li­on ton­nes of annu­al CO2 emis­si­ons.  
The hydro­gen eco­no­my emer­ging in Ham­burg encom­pas­ses the enti­re value chain of a cli­ma­te-neu­tral sus­tainable ener­gy sup­p­ly. With HH-WIN, Gas­netz Ham­burg is buil­ding the con­nec­ting infra­struc­tu­re of pio­nee­ring pro­jects here. In this way, Ham­burg is sei­zing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lead the way with green hydro­gen as a model for other metro­po­li­ses in Ger­ma­ny and the world. As a clus­ter, the play­ers form a strong com­mu­ni­ty that exch­an­ges and bund­les their needs and expe­ri­en­ces in the emer­ging market.


GAYA is a French com­pa­ny that pro­po­ses key­turn gobal hydro­gen solu­ti­ons to decar­bo­ni­ze port eco­sys­tem.
GAYA uses hydro­gen in the port eco­sys­tem (mari­ti­me and inland) for all hea­vy duties equip­ment: stradd­le car­ri­ers, RTG, mobi­le har­bor cra­nes, sta­ckers, water­ways, trains, port ser­vices boat.
The moti­va­ti­on for GAYA to take part in the clus­ter is to deve­lop part­ner­ships and imple­ment hydro­gen branch in the port eco­sys­tem towards a „zero emis­si­on“ port.

GLOBE Fuel Cell Systems GmbH

GLOBE Fuel Cell Sys­tems is a Gre­en­Tech com­pa­ny from Stutt­gart. We have made it our mis­si­on to sup­port indus­try on its way to decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on in a CO2-neu­tral future with green tech­no­lo­gy – Made in Ger­ma­ny. To this end, GLOBE deve­lo­ps CO2-emis­si­on-free, digi­tal­ly net­work­ed fuel cell sys­tems for various indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons such as intra­lo­gi­stics and in the mari­ne sec­tor.

In the first step, we are con­cen­t­ra­ting on the use of fuel cell tech­no­lo­gy for intra­lo­gi­stics vehic­les. Our fuel cell unit spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for intra­lo­gi­stics – the GLOBE XLP80 – will be deli­ver­ed to our cus­to­mers from Q1 2023. In par­al­lel, we are deve­lo­ping a fuel cell sys­tem for use in ship­ping in coope­ra­ti­on with a group from sou­thern Germany.

The eco­lo­gi­cal­ly sus­tainable future is the grea­test chall­enge of our gene­ra­ti­on. Hydro­gen-powered fuel cell tech­no­lo­gy will be part of the solu­ti­on. The pilot pro­ject at the clus­ter in the port of Ham­burg is a gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty to show that eco­lo­gi­cal sus­taina­bi­li­ty and eco­no­mic sen­se can be combined.

Hamburg Port Authority AöR

As land­lord, HPA is respon­si­ble for the manage­ment of the port of Ham­burg. This includes land- and water­si­de infra­struc­tu­re, safe­ty within the port, manage­ment of sedi­ments and port estate.

HPA sup­ports the goal of estab­li­shing the enti­re green hydro­gen value chain in the port of Ham­burg. Through pro­vi­ding appro­pria­te port area and infra­struc­tu­re nee­ded, HPA faci­li­ta­tes the imple­men­ta­ti­on.
The pro­ject has a glo­bal covera­ge and net­work. We want to learn and gain know­ledge within the net­work but also sup­port when it comes to the frame­work of hydro­gen applications.

HCCR Hamburger Container- und Chassis-Reparatur-Gesellschaft

The Ham­bur­ger Con­tai­ner- und Chas­sis-Repa­ra­tur-Gesell­schaft (HCCR) is the expert in the field of Main­ten­an­ce and Repair (M&R) rela­ted con­tai­ner ser­vices. The port­fo­lio includes com­mon depot ser­vices such as inspec­tion, repairs and con­tai­ner clea­ning. The com­pa­ny manu­fac­tures spe­cial steel struc­tures and advi­ses on the imple­men­ta­ti­on of cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. The trade with steel boxes of all kinds is also part of the ran­ge of ser­vices.

Ter­mi­nal equip­ment plays a key role in port and ter­mi­nal ope­ra­ti­ons. To redu­ce emis­si­ons whe­re elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on is dif­fi­cult, hydro­gen could be con­side­red as an alter­na­ti­ve opti­on. In this con­text, it is important to prepa­re employees for the chan­ge through trai­ning and deve­lo­p­ment opportunities.

At our emp­ty con­tai­ner depot, the­re is alre­a­dy a lively exch­an­ge about the poten­ti­al of using hydro­gen as a fuel. Clo­se net­wor­king with part­ners should make it pos­si­ble to offer eco­no­mic­al hydro­gen solu­ti­ons on the mar­ket. In the pro­cess, the usa­bi­li­ty in com­pa­ri­son to elec­tri­fied equip­ment vari­ants is con­ti­nuous­ly che­cked at the terminal.

HCS Hamburger Container Service GmbH

Our com­pa­ny is cal­led HCS Ham­bur­ger Con­tai­ner Ser­vice GmbH, we are a pri­va­te emp­ty con­tai­ner depot (repair, sto­rage, fit­ting and clea­ning of con­tai­ners) and are loca­ted in Ham­burg.

We do not use hydro­gen yet. Howe­ver, this alter­na­ti­ve is of inte­rest for com­pa­ny cars, tran­ship­ment vehic­les, emp­ty con­tai­ner for­k­lifts (side frames and reach sta­ckers), work­shop for­k­lifts (2.5 ton­nes). We are try­ing to lea­ve a gree­ner foot­print and beco­me more sus­tainable in all are­as of our com­pa­ny. The Port of Ham­burg has the goal to beco­me as cli­ma­te neu­tral as pos­si­ble by 2040.

HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder GmbH

HHLA Con­tai­ner Ter­mi­nal Alten­wer­der is regard­ed as “sta­te of the art” and is the first faci­li­ty of its kind to ope­ra­te on a cli­ma­te-neu­tral basis. With its high degree of auto­ma­ti­on and com­pact lay­out, HHLA’s newest ter­mi­nal points the way to the con­tai­ner hand­ling of the future. Sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy and inno­va­ti­ve EDP sys­tems ensu­re effi­ci­ent unloa­ding and loa­ding, espe­ci­al­ly of lar­ge con­tai­ner ships. Sin­ce the ter­mi­nal was com­mis­sio­ned in sum­mer 2002, the volu­me of stan­dard con­tai­ners hand­led annu­al­ly has grown rapidly to seve­ral mil­li­on. The KTH con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal is the lar­gest in Europe.

Ter­mi­nal equip­ment: Explo­ring hydro­gen as an emis­si­ons-saving opti­on for ter­mi­nal equip­ment in situa­tions whe­re elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on faces chal­lenges. Addi­tio­nal­ly, enhan­cing edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties for employees.

Con­ti­nuous­ly, the sui­ta­bi­li­ty of hydro­gen com­pared to elec­tri­fied equip­ment is eva­lua­ted at the ter­mi­nals. This com­pa­ri­son includes tech­ni­cal, ope­ra­tio­nal and eco­no­mic aspects. The fin­dings are incor­po­ra­ted into a well-foun­ded decis­i­on-making pro­cess. The goal is effi­ci­ent use of alter­na­ti­ve fuels at the ter­mi­nals. This not only opens up tech­no­lo­gi­cal oppor­tu­ni­ties, but also streng­thens the eco­lo­gi­cal respon­si­bi­li­ty of ter­mi­nal operations.

HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai GmbH

The first steel boxes in Ham­burg were hand­led at HHLA Con­tai­ner Ter­mi­nal Bur­chard­kai in 1968. Today, the lar­gest faci­li­ty for con­tai­ner hand­ling hand­les almost every third con­tai­ner in the Port of Ham­burg. 30 con­tai­ner gan­try cra­nes work on the thou­sands of ships that moor here every year, and seve­ral hundred rail wagons are loa­ded and unloa­ded every day. The ongo­ing moder­ni­sa­ti­on pro­gram­me is gra­du­al­ly incre­asing both capa­ci­ty and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, making the ter­mi­nal fit for the lar­gest con­tai­ner ships.

Explo­ring hydro­gen as an emis­si­ons-saving alter­na­ti­ve for ter­mi­nal equip­ment in situa­tions whe­re elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on pro­ves chal­len­ging. Addi­tio­nal­ly, pro­vi­ding enhan­ced edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties for employees.

In the clus­ter, the­re is an inten­si­ve exch­an­ge on the use of alter­na­ti­ve fuels. The focus is on con­cre­te pos­si­bi­li­ties for inte­gra­ting the­se tech­no­lo­gies. Net­wor­king with eco­no­mic part­ners who offer cor­re­spon­ding pro­ducts on the mar­ket plays a cen­tral role. In par­ti­cu­lar, the ongo­ing com­pa­ri­son of tech­ni­cal, ope­ra­tio­nal and eco­no­mic aspects is of interest.

HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort GmbH

HHLA Con­tai­ner Ter­mi­nal Tol­ler­ort shi­nes with a com­pact and fle­xi­ble faci­li­ty. Van car­ri­ers with envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly dri­ves stack the steel boxes in four tiers and ensu­re effi­ci­ent use of space, which is opti­mi­sed by the terminal’s con­ver­si­on. Back­fil­led har­bour basins have been ope­ned up for addi­tio­nal sto­rage are­as. With new con­tai­ner gan­try cra­nes, the water­si­de is being made fit for hand­ling the lar­gest con­tai­ner ships.

The hydro­gen focus is on the Ter­mi­nal equip­ment: Explo­ring the use of hydro­gen as an emis­si­ons-saving opti­on in situa­tions whe­re elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on pro­ves chal­len­ging. Addi­tio­nal­ly, enhan­cing edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties for employees.

Test­ing sus­tainable tech­no­lo­gies offers oppor­tu­ni­ties and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of ear­ly inte­gra­ti­on. In this con­text, the appli­ca­bi­li­ty of hydro­gen in ter­mi­nal ope­ra­ti­on is con­ti­nuous­ly eva­lua­ted in com­pa­ri­son to elec­tri­fied equip­ment vari­ants. The resul­ting stra­te­gic decis­i­on con­tri­bu­tes to the sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment of the con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal and pro­mo­tes inno­va­ti­on towards envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly ener­gy use.

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft 

Ham­bur­ger Hafen und Logis­tik AG (HHLA) is a lea­ding Euro­pean port and trans­port logi­stics com­pa­ny. The core busi­ness of the com­pa­ny is con­tai­ner hand­ling in sea­ports and con­tai­ner trans­port bet­ween ports and the Ger­man and Euro­pean hin­ter­land. HHLA also offers a broad spec­trum of port, con­sul­ting and other ser­vices. 
HHLA intends to beco­me cli­ma­te-neu­tral by 2040 as part of its sus­taina­bi­li­ty stra­tegy. Hydro­gen will make an important con­tri­bu­ti­on as an ener­gy source here, also for new jobs. HHLA Hydro­gen Net­work, the inno­va­ti­on clus­ter Clean Port & Logi­stics and H2LOAD for retro­fit­ting our hea­vy machi­nery at the ter­mi­nal. The Trans­HyDE rese­arch pro­ject and the H2Global Foun­da­ti­on also play an important part on our road­map. At the end of the day, it’s clear – we’re in the midd­le of a glo­bal transformation.

With Clean Port & Logi­stics, HHLA has crea­ted an inno­va­ti­on clus­ter to test hydro­gen-powered equip­ment in port logi­stics. In order to redu­ce emis­si­ons in port hand­ling and the asso­cia­ted logi­stics chains. With the clus­ter, HHLA aims to acce­le­ra­te the tech­no­lo­gi­cal matu­ri­ty of the equip­ment and crea­te a solid basis for decis­i­ons on con­ver­ting to rene­wa­ble energies.

HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH

Tog­e­ther with our cli­ents, we dri­ve ope­ra­ti­ons, inno­va­tions and sus­tainable growth for the port and ter­mi­nal sec­tors.

We aim to sup­port the port indus­try in their jour­ney to net zero. The appli­ca­ti­on of hydro­gen, and hence, adapt­ed and new sup­p­ly chains, have to be tes­ted and imple­men­ted and we want to sup­port the indus­try with our exper­ti­se on its path. Com­bi­ning a par­ti­cu­lar­ly ope­ra­tio­nal back­ground and long-stan­ding inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence with a pro­fes­sio­nal and down-to-earth atti­tu­de towards ope­ra­tio­nal inno­va­ti­on and sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy, it is our mis­si­on to increase our cli­ents’ com­pe­ti­ti­ve situa­ti­on and the­r­e­fo­re being at the fore-front of deve­lo­p­ments around hydro­gen appli­ca­ti­ons in ports and terminals.

HSL Technologies

HSL Tech­no­lo­gies, based in Aix-en-Pro­vence in the south of France, has con­cei­ved the first car­ri­er to trans­port and store hydro­gen at ambi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re and pres­su­re in liquid sta­te with a non-orga­nic basis.

Our hydro­gen car­ri­er, Hydro­Sil, enables mas­si­ve hydro­gen logi­stics and sol­ves exis­ting trans­por­ta­ti­on and sto­rage issues. Two asso­cia­ted che­mi­cal pro­ces­ses allow to chan­ge hydro­gen in the car­ri­er and then, once the sto­rage or trans­por­ta­ti­on of the liquid is over, to release hydro­gen back in its gas­eous form. Hydro­Sil is sta­ble, non-hazar­dous, non-pol­lu­ting and recy­clable liquid car­ri­er capa­ble of addres­sing envi­ron­men­tal and sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment issues, it allows to release hydro­gen on demand and use of the same logi­stics infrastructures.

Pro­vi­dor of logi­stics solu­ti­on, HSL Tech­no­lo­gies is keen to test its solu­ti­on in real-life con­di­ti­ons, find part­ners and future off­ta­kers in hea­vy-duty mobi­li­ty, hydro­gen sto­rage and trans­por­ta­ti­on, fol­low clo­se­ly hydro­gen-rela­ted regle­men­ta­ti­on issues and put in place joint pro­jects. All in all, we wish for our solu­ti­on to be a con­tri­bu­ti­on to Clean Port & Logistics.


Foun­ded in 1963 in Saar­land as a com­pa­ny for hydrau­lic access­ories and mana­ged as a fami­ly busi­ness, HYDAC is now an inter­na­tio­nal­ly acti­ve com­pa­ny with over 50 natio­nal sub­si­dia­ries. We deve­lop, pro­du­ce and dis­tri­bu­te pio­nee­ring hydrau­lic com­pon­ents and sys­tems. For some years now, we have been stra­te­gi­cal­ly deve­lo­ping the busi­ness field of hydro­gen and elec­tro­mo­bi­li­ty and are con­ti­nuous­ly expan­ding our pro­duct port­fo­lio. Today, our inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts are used in hydro­gen and ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on, fil­ling sta­ti­on and char­ging infra­struc­tu­re, mobi­le machi­nes as well as pro­duc­tion and recy­cling systems. 

Many of our cus­to­mers are dis­co­ve­ring the poten­ti­al of hydro­gen. We can alre­a­dy crea­te added value for various appli­ca­ti­ons with our tried and tes­ted pro­ducts. It is important to us to grow tog­e­ther with our cus­to­mers to meet new chal­lenges – our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team of experts focu­ses on inno­va­ti­on and qua­li­ty.
HYDAC is con­vin­ced that the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of the port envi­ron­ment is only pos­si­ble through a com­bi­na­ti­on of H2 and bat­tery elec­tric sys­tems. Tog­e­ther with port ope­ra­tors and equip­ment manu­fac­tu­r­ers, we ana­ly­se cur­rent tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal chal­lenges in the ope­ra­ti­on of mobi­le logi­stics sys­tems and thus deve­lop inno­va­ti­ve sys­tem solutions.


hySO­LU­TI­ONS GmbH is a public-pri­va­te com­pa­ny with share­hol­ders from the mobi­li­ty and infra­struc­tu­re sec­tor, the ener­gy indus­try and Hamburg’s busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty. Foun­ded in 2005, hySO­LU­TI­ONS works on the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the mobi­li­ty tur­n­around with stake­hol­ders from Ham­burg, the metro­po­li­tan regi­on and bey­ond. hySO­LU­TI­ONS sup­ports and coor­di­na­tes the appli­ca­ti­on of fuel cell and hydro­gen tech­no­lo­gy as well as inno­va­ti­ve elec­tric dri­ve and sup­p­ly sys­tems in clo­se coor­di­na­ti­on with the aut­ho­ri­ties of the Ham­burg Sena­te. The com­pa­ny is based in Hamburg.

Ham­burg has the lar­gest con­ti­guous indus­tri­al area in Ger­ma­ny. The spe­cial fea­ture here is not only the spa­ti­al pro­xi­mi­ty of port logi­stics to lar­ge-sca­le indus­tri­al plants. A cha­rac­te­ristic fea­ture of Ham­burg is the focus on basic mate­ri­al pro­ces­sing indus­tries, such as metall­ur­gy (steel, cop­per, alu­mi­ni­um) or lubri­cants, oil and other che­mi­cal pro­ducts. All of the­se high­ly indus­tria­li­sed com­pa­nies have in com­mon that they can use rege­ne­ra­tively pro­du­ced hydro­gen within their pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses and thus signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce their car­bon foot­print. This is not just a ques­ti­on of tech­ni­cal fea­si­bi­li­ty, but also of pro­duct qua­li­ty and, abo­ve all, of the eco­no­mic effi­ci­en­cy of the use of the technology.

Alt­hough ship­ping is the most effi­ci­ent mode of trans­port in terms of ener­gy con­sump­ti­on, the lar­ge-sca­le use of hea­vy oil as a fuel leads to emis­si­ons of green­house gases, nitro­gen and sulp­hur oxi­des as well as par­ti­cu­la­te mat­ter. In addi­ti­on to the IMO’s pos­tu­la­ted green­house gas stra­te­gies, the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on has the goal of redu­cing ener­gy con­sump­ti­on on ships by 75% by 2050. At the same time, gre­at efforts are also nee­ded to achie­ve cli­ma­te neu­tra­li­ty for ports. hySO­LU­TI­ONS sees the CPL as an important step towards this.

Hyster-Yale Europe B.V.

Hys­ter-Yale Group is a glo­bal manu­fac­tu­rer of con­tai­ner hand­lers, lift trucks, and warehouse equip­ment. EMEA head­quar­ters for the com­pa­ny, are in Frim­ley, UK.
The group is deve­lo­ping Bat­tery Elec­tric and Fuel Cell Elec­tric powered port equip­ment, inclu­ding Emp­ty Con­tai­ner Hand­lers, Reach­Sta­ckers, Laden Con­tai­ner Hand­lers and Ter­mi­nal Trac­tors. The engi­nee­ring deve­lo­p­ment cent­re and manu­fac­tu­ring plant based in Nij­me­gen are taking the lead in pro­vi­ding zero-emis­si­ons port equip­ment solu­ti­ons. Sis­ter com­pa­ny Nuve­ra Fuel Cells pro­vi­des Fuel Cell engi­nes used in port equip­ment and other types of hea­vy vehic­les such as busses.

Hydro­gen will be used to power our ran­ge of Fuel Cell Elec­tric port equip­ment at ter­mi­nals around the glo­be. The Clean Ports Clus­ter is will be a cata­lyst for the tran­si­ti­on to zero-emis­si­ons as we need the holi­stic approach to dri­ve the inno­va­ti­on. The tran­si­ti­on requi­res all par­ties in the port to work in par­al­lel to speed up the imple­men­ta­ti­on of zero-emis­si­ons solutions.


Kal­mar offers a wide ran­ge of car­go hand­ling solu­ti­ons and ser­vices to ports, ter­mi­nals, dis­tri­bu­ti­on cen­tres and to hea­vy indus­try. Kal­mar is the indus­try forerun­ner in ter­mi­nal auto­ma­ti­on and in ener­gy effi­ci­ent con­tai­ner hand­ling, with one in four con­tai­ner move­ments around the glo­be being hand­led by a Kal­mar solu­ti­on. Through its exten­si­ve pro­duct port­fo­lio, glo­bal ser­vice net­work and abili­ty to enable a seam­less inte­gra­ti­on of dif­fe­rent ter­mi­nal pro­ces­ses, Kal­mar impro­ves the effi­ci­en­cy of every move.

We focus on hydro­gen as one alter­na­ti­ve dri­ve tech­no­lo­gy for our machi­nes. Kal­mar wel­co­mes the initia­ti­ve of HHLA and the city Ham­burg to invest into the future tech­no­lo­gy hydro­gen and bring the har­bor play­ers to the table. We share the com­mon goal to decar­bo­ni­ze hea­vy-duty trans­port. We hope to exch­an­ge our own know­ledge with our indus­try part­ners and by doing so enhan­ce our own exper­ti­se and the one of others.

Konecranes Noell GmbH

Kon­e­cra­nes Noell GmbH, a com­pa­ny of the glo­bal­ly ope­ra­ting Kon­e­cra­nes Group. Kon­e­cra­nes Noell GmbH is based in Würz­burg. Kon­e­cra­nes Noell GmbH spe­cia­li­ses in the deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­tu­re and ser­vice of stradd­le car­ri­ers for con­tai­ner ter­mi­nals world­wi­de.

Hydro­gen will be used as an ener­gy source for the ope­ra­ti­on of our con­tai­ner hand­ling equip­ment, initi­al­ly for stradd­le car­ri­ers, but also for other Kon­e­cra­nes’ die­sel-powered equip­ment. We are com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding our cus­to­mers with envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly and sus­tainable pro­ducts and ser­vices, which includes mini­mi­sing harmful emis­si­ons. By par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the clus­ter, we under­line this com­mit­ment and sup­port the intro­duc­tion of zero-emis­si­on ener­gy sources in our industry.

Lhyfe GmbH

As a pro­du­cer of green hydro­gen, we accom­pa­ny the enti­re pro­cess from design to pro­duct. We not only plan the deve­lo­p­ment of indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion sites for green hydro­gen, but also mana­ge the pro­duc­tion pro­cess after site acqui­si­ti­on and rea­li­se the logi­stics to the cus­to­mer. By lin­king to exis­ting rene­wa­ble ener­gy sources, we offer muni­ci­pa­li­ties and indus­try an imme­dia­te impe­tus towards the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on.

To estab­lish sui­ta­ble hydro­gen eco­sys­tems, Lhy­fe also crea­tes the appro­pria­te hydro­gen infra­struc­tu­re – inclu­ding the con­s­truc­tion of pipe­lines and hydro­gen fil­ling sta­ti­ons. Curr­ent­ly, the­re are about 90 pro­jects with a total capa­ci­ty of 4.8 GW in the com­mer­cial pipe­line. Cur­rent pro­ject part­ners of Lhy­fe include Deut­sche Bahn, Sie­mens Mobi­li­ty, LIDL, Plug­Power and num­e­rous indus­try giants.

Lhy­fe deve­lo­ps cus­tom-fit com­mer­cial sup­p­ly con­cepts for the respec­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­on are­as and thus sup­ports indus­try and muni­ci­pa­li­ties in decar­bo­ni­s­ing their pro­ces­ses and achie­ving their cli­ma­te goals. In the CPL clus­ter, we want to work tog­e­ther with part­ners to deve­lop spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons for port logi­stics and deve­lop a deep under­stan­ding of the chal­lenges and requirements.

Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH

Lübe­cker Hafen-Gesell­schaft mbH (LHG) ope­ra­tes the public ports in the Han­sea­tic City of Lübeck and is Germany’s lar­gest ro-ro port ope­ra­tor on the Bal­tic Sea. Our com­pa­ny is majo­ri­ty-owned by the Han­sea­tic City of Lübeck (100%) and employs around 750 peo­p­le.

LHG ope­ra­tes four port ter­mi­nals along the river Tra­ve with 18 jet­ties and a total area of 165 hec­ta­res. In addi­ti­on to its core busi­ness of port hand­ling, ste­ve­do­ring and warehousing, the LHG, as a modern logi­stics group, offers a wide ran­ge of ser­vices tog­e­ther with its sub­si­dia­ries and hol­dings. More than 23 mil­li­on ton­nes of goods are hand­led at our ter­mi­nals every year. The­se include rol­ling car­go such as trucks and semi-trai­lers, con­tai­ners, forestry pro­ducts (paper, pulp, tim­ber), steel, new vehic­les, but also bulk goods such as fer­ti­li­sers or buil­ding materials.

LHG is using hydro­gen in dif­fe­rent ways:
- Tech­ni­cal fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of indus­tri­al trucks, Tug­mas­ters, Picky­Pa­ckers, lar­ge for­k­lifts towards hydro­gen.
- Own gene­ra­ti­on pos­si­ble through PV with elec­tro­ly­ser ->inde­pen­dent ener­gy sup­p­ly.
- H2: as an alter­na­ti­ve to die­sel (pos­si­ble eli­mi­na­ti­on of port die­sel from approx. 2024/25)
- Mea­su­res to achie­ve the “FIT FOR 55” cli­ma­te targets

The moti­va­ti­on to take part in the clus­ter is to con­nect and build up a net­work with a lar­ge field of interest.


METRANS is one of the mar­ket lea­ders with a one-stop solu­ti­on for inter­mo­dal trans­ports. We do what it takes to take sea con­tai­ner ships fur­ther to inland Euro­pe and to con­nect num­e­rous inter­mo­dal ter­mi­nals with our shut­tle trains. METRANS Rail (Deutsch­land) GmbH as part of the METRANS Group is the Ger­man rail trans­port company.

METRANS intends to uti­li­ze hydro­gen in its modern hybrid and elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves to enhan­ce their effi­ci­en­cy and redu­ce emis­si­ons, alig­ning with the company’s com­mit­ment to sus­tainable trans­por­ta­ti­on solu­ti­ons. Inves­ti­ga­ting new dri­ve opti­ons for the future is an important task today. At the same time, par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in this clus­ter opens up the oppor­tu­ni­ty for us to con­tri­bu­te to making trans­ports more envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly in the future. We have always tried out new ide­as in the past and want to stick to them.

Mitsui & Co Europe Plc

Mit­sui & Co., Ltd. is a glo­bal tra­ding and invest­ment com­pa­ny in Japan with a diver­si­fied busi­ness port­fo­lio in seve­ral sec­tors, inclu­ding ener­gy, infra­struc­tu­re (incl. ports), mobi­li­ty, machi­nery, logi­stics, che­mi­cals, mine­ral & metal resour­ces, iron & steel pro­ducts and others. 

Mit­sui has about 5,500 employees and deploys talent across 129 offices in 63 count­ries and regi­ons to iden­ti­fy, deve­lop and grow busi­nesses in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with a glo­bal net­work of trus­ted partners.

Hydro­gen has been iden­ti­fied as one the key growth are­as in the next gene­ra­ti­on ener­gy and sus­taina­bi­li­ty initia­ti­ves. Mitsui’s hydro­gen stra­tegy covers par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in regio­nal sup­p­ly and demand crea­ti­on inclu­ding hea­vy-duty mobi­li­ty and indus­tri­al sec­tors in short-/mid-term, and deve­lo­ping lar­ge sca­le inter­na­tio­nal clean hydrogen/ammonia/e‑methanol value chain in the long-term. 
Mit­sui is keen to explo­re the tech­ni­cal and com­mer­cial fea­si­bi­li­ty of various low-car­bon and zero-emis­si­on tech­no­lo­gies and appli­ca­ti­ons in car­go-hand­ling, logi­stics and mari­ti­me sectors.

Neltume Ports S.A.

Neltu­me Ports is a com­pa­ny part of the Ultra­mar Group and is dedi­ca­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment and ope­ra­ti­on of port ter­mi­nals. Neltu­me Ports curr­ent­ly owns and ope­ra­tes 17 ter­mi­nals in Chi­le, Argen­ti­na, Bra­zil, Uru­gu­ay, Bra­zil and the United Sta­tes.

We are deve­lo­ping the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on stra­tegy of our cur­rent and future ope­ra­ti­ons, whe­re we belie­ve hydro­gen will play a signi­fi­cant role along with elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on and other rene­wa­ble ener­gy sources. We would like to ana­ly­se the fea­si­bi­li­ty of incor­po­ra­ting this tech­no­lo­gy in our dif­fe­rent mobi­le and sta­tio­na­ry equip­ment. Neltu­me Ports will also stri­ve to form part of the hydro­gen sup­p­ly chain as a port ope­ra­tor in the medi­um-short term.

We belie­ve that coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the dif­fe­rent actors in the green hydro­gen chain is key for the indus­try to deve­lop and beco­me a pil­lar for achie­ving glo­bal cli­ma­te goals. This is why we want to be part of the stu­dy in order to con­tri­bu­te to this objec­ti­ve and at the same time to under­stand the cha­rac­te­ristics, risks and bene­fits of incor­po­ra­ting green hydro­gen in our operations.

Port of Kiel

See­ha­fen Kiel GmbH & Co. KG is one of the most ver­sa­ti­le ports in the Bal­tic Sea regi­on. Its geo­gra­phic loca­ti­on, con­sis­t­ent­ly deep water and direct con­nec­tion to the rail and motor­way net­work make the port equal­ly attrac­ti­ve for car­go hand­ling and pas­sen­ger traf­fic. See­ha­fen Kiel GmbH&Co. KG offers sta­te-of-the-art ter­mi­nal infra­struc­tu­re for crui­se tou­rism, RoRo or RoPax liner ser­vices and pure car­go cus­to­mers.
The SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co. KG (PORT OF KIEL) is the owner of the public faci­li­ties and infra­struc­tu­re in the com­mer­cial port. It is respon­si­ble for the deve­lo­p­ment of the port, invest­ments and expan­si­on as well as for the main­ten­an­ce of the faci­li­ties. PORT OF KIEL also ope­ra­tes Kiel Air­port and a public port rail­way infra­struc­tu­re. The com­pa­ny is a whol­ly owned sub­si­dia­ry of the City of Kiel and has three sub­si­dia­ries and asso­cia­ted companies. 

The Port of Kiel GmbH & Co. KG is inte­res­ted in dif­fe­rent pos­si­ble appli­ca­ti­ons of hydro­gen. We see con­cre­te appli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties on the one hand as an alter­na­ti­ve fuel dri­ve in ship­ping, and on the other hand to power our port hand­ling equip­ment as an alter­na­ti­ve to the elec­tric dri­ve of the­se machi­nes. Howe­ver, we would also be inte­res­ted in the pos­si­bi­li­ty of pro­du­cing hydro­gen from sur­plus elec­tri­ci­ty, hydro­gen hand­ling in our port in gene­ral (if inte­res­t­ing) as well as dis­cus­sing hydro­gen usa­ge pos­si­bi­li­ties in avia­ti­on (small-sca­le appli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties as part of our sub­si­dia­ry, Flug­ha­fen Kiel GmbH).
To exch­an­ge expe­ri­en­ces with com­pa­nies that deve­lop hydro­gen appli­ca­ti­ons, sup­p­ly hydro­gen or alre­a­dy use hydro­gen in their com­pa­ny, and to dis­cuss and deve­lop appli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties and sce­na­ri­os in our port with them. Gain know­ledge through test appli­ca­ti­ons of hydro­gen in the port envi­ron­ment at HHLA’s hydro­gen test field.

Port of Los Angeles

The Port of Los Ange­les is one of the busie­st sea­ports in the world and the lea­ding gate­way for inter­na­tio­nal trade in North Ame­ri­ca. The Port of Los Ange­les, a divi­si­on of the City of Los Ange­les, is loca­ted in San Pedro Bay, 25 miles south of down­town Los Ange­les, Cali­for­nia, USA.

The Port of Los Ange­les intends to use hydro­gen in its main mobi­le sources of car­go trans­por­ta­ti­on (ships, trucks, trains, car­go hand­ling equip­ment and port vehic­les), but initi­al­ly in hea­vy-duty vehic­les and car­go hand­ling equip­ment. The Port of Los Ange­les is moti­va­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the clus­ter to obtain and share infor­ma­ti­on on hydro­gen pro­duc­tion, deli­very and end-use.

RWE Generation SE 

RWE Gene­ra­ti­on SE is a sub­si­dia­ry of RWE AG, one of the world’s lea­ding ener­gy com­pa­nies, and employs over 3,000 peo­p­le. Among other things, the com­pa­ny gene­ra­tes elec­tri­ci­ty from gas, water and bio­mass, ope­ra­tes lar­ge-sca­le bat­tery sto­rage faci­li­ties and com­bi­nes RWE’s hydro­gen exper­ti­se in the Hydro­gen­Hub, which now has more than 300 colleagues. 

As a glo­bal pro­du­cer of green elec­tri­ci­ty, we sup­p­ly major indus­tri­al cus­to­mers and regio­nal ener­gy sup­pli­ers. One focus of our acti­vi­ties is the deve­lo­p­ment of new busi­ness are­as, which go hand in hand with the expan­si­on tar­gets for glo­bal green elec­tri­ci­ty pro­duc­tion. The­se include inno­va­ti­ve bat­tery sto­rage pro­jects and the deve­lo­p­ment of a mul­ti­na­tio­nal hydro­gen economy. 

The clus­ter enables us to bet­ter under­stand the requi­re­ments for hydro­gen sup­p­ly in port faci­li­ties and to get to know the are­as of appli­ca­ti­on even bet­ter. The results of the clus­ter con­tri­bu­te to a holi­stic view of the topic of hydro­gen. Based on this, sup­p­ly con­cepts can be derived.

C.Steinweg (Süd-West Terminal ) GmbH & Co. KG

Sin­ce 1858, the uni­ver­sal ter­mi­nal of the hand­ling com­pa­ny C. Stein­weg (Süd-West Ter­mi­nal) GmbH & Co. KG has been loca­ted on Kamerun­kai in the Port of Ham­burg. The focus of its busi­ness acti­vi­ties is the ste­ve­do­ring and warehousing of con­ven­tio­nal gene­ral car­go as well as the hand­ling of con­tai­ners and a wide varie­ty of com­mo­di­ties. Among other things, metals, cof­fee, cocoa, paper as well as pro­ject car­goes and con­tai­ners are stored in a cer­ti­fied exch­an­ge warehouse at the ter­mi­nal. The ran­ge of ser­vices also includes goods inspec­tion, sam­pling, repack­a­ging, test­ing, gas­sing and cus­toms clearance.

As a com­pa­ny that has his­to­ri­cal­ly grown its ser­vice acti­vi­ties in the direct vici­ni­ty of the resi­den­ti­al area of Hamburg’s Hafen­ci­ty, we would pri­ma­ri­ly like to equip or retro­fit our fleet of indus­tri­al trucks with hydro­gen dri­ves. On the one hand, we expect a signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in our emis­si­ons and, on the other hand, ide­al fea­si­bi­li­ty in terms of 24-hour ope­ra­ti­on. Against the back­drop of gro­wing envi­ron­men­tal awa­re­ness, we also want to do our part and accor­din­gly redu­ce our emis­si­ons sus­tain­ab­ly and signi­fi­cant­ly. In doing so, we want to con­tri­bu­te to a green future for future generations.

University of Hamburg (TUHH)

Insti­tu­te of Envi­ron­men­tal Engi­nee­ring and Ener­gy Eco­no­mics (IUE), Ham­burg Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy (TUHH).

Hydro­gen rese­arch acti­vi­ties in the field of sus­tainable ener­gy sys­tems, inclu­ding the tech­no-eco­no­mic eva­lua­ti­on of hydro­gen sup­p­ly chains and hydro­gen appli­ca­ti­ons as well as the model­ling and ana­ly­sis of PtL pro­ces­ses.

As the Insti­tu­te for Envi­ron­men­tal Tech­no­lo­gy and Ener­gy Eco­no­mics at TUHH, par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the clus­ter is very attrac­ti­ve to work on hydro­gen appli­ca­ti­ons in the port in direct coope­ra­ti­on with all part­ners in a prac­ti­cal pro­ject, to mutual­ly bene­fit from the know­ledge of the part­ners, and ulti­m­ate­ly to map, ana­ly­se and sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly eva­lua­te the green port of tomor­row in an over­all model based on real ope­ra­ting data.

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You can down­load the clus­ter con­cept as a pdf and if we have alre­a­dy con­vin­ced you, then regis­ter your com­pa­ny directly.